

Our lab is innovative, optimistic, and dedicated to engineering for social and environmental good.

Ideal candidates for our lab will have deep interest in studying human well-being in the built environment in one of these three areas:

  • Impact of building design on occupant or resident well-being

  • Advancing connection to nature through building design

  • Affordable, sustainable housing

Candidates should also be excited to learn the quantitative and qualitative skills our lab employs, be independently motivated to hone their skills in these areas, as well as be excited to apply their findings as recommendations and actions for engineers, architects, and planners to implement.

PhD Students

Prospective PhD students are encouraged to apply to the Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD program. We will also consider applicants to the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources. Please mention Prof. Billington in your statement of purpose; this will ensure it is sent to her for review.

Due to the large number of emails received, it is not possible to reply to all inquiries.

MS Degree &
Undergraduate Students

Stanford MS degree students and undergraduates who are interested in getting involved in research are welcome to join lab group meetings throughout the year to learn more about our work and explore opportunities. Please email Prof. Billington to express your interest and learn more.

Stanford Undergraduates who are interested in summer research internships are encouraged to apply through the CEE VPUE summer research program, the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability summer research opportunities, and the Urban Studies program.

Undergraduates from colleges and universities outside of Stanford are encouraged to apply for summer internships through the Stanford School of Engineering’s SURF program or the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability's summer programs for external students.

External Partners

Our group works with several external partners collaborating on research including conducting field studies to understand the impact of built environments on human well-being and co-creating solutions for social and environmental sustainability challenges related to the built environment.